
Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear Baby,

There are some instances in our childhood which have a marked impression through the rest of our lives. Today while you were happily listening to one of your cherished bed time stories....U eagerly came up with some incident which occurred in your day-care centre.....U had made some "real good buddies" as you usually address for your group of friends there....U were excited about a new friend...And u eagerly described her features as "tall and black "instead of tall and dark. I was shocked but controlled myself and patiently corrected your statement....(Somebody possibly an adult must have commented about the poor child's feature that way ) 'cause I was dead sure this was not your way to usually describe anyone......Somewhere deep within I was hurt...this was unexpected from YOU otherwise such a sensitive and considerate child....But still I realized you were a child...who needs continuous guidance....I made some subtle changes in the story which I was telling you to make you understand that the chief causes of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood....and....No one in the world can make you feel inferior without your own consent...Dear baby always remember Lots of friends would want to ride with you in your shiny,new bicycle but...what you really need deep within is someone who would play with your rag doll even when your bicycle breaks down....This is how you come across true friends....Momma will always love you.....

Friday, July 3, 2009

Homework Pains.....

Dear dear Aastha...
Its been a tough day for Mummy darling...and you have decided to try out all my an added incentive... "Ma'am has given homework .Mommy." I hear a small voice...Couldn't imagine it came out from U...always such a bubbly kid.....sounding so down..."We sit for home works everyday darling.....and you seem to enjoy them...what's so scary today...?" I reply patiently and reach out for the school Diary.She tries to push it behind her.
THERE!!!!!...... (I make a quick Guess)... lies the Origin of the small voice....I firmly ask it to be given.....and i open it.... to find the School Diary in a mess...Pages torn and all scribbled up in her tiny handwriting....with a pinned note from her class teacher (like a hidden shilling in the Christmas pudding).....requesting a A Parent Call!!!
I groan and fret while my husband stands by the door faking anger....smothering possibly a ear to ear grin..(Always such a hard task master.... strangely ...He seems to always enjoy any damn mischief played by her...). I feel like screaming my head off!!! "This is what I get after a hard days work..." I shout...which made U further shudder and scurry off behind DAD ...your only refuge...supporter...fortress.....during these special times.....I try to calm myself down and call u beside me...How did this happen darling??? and U(can u imagine????) broke off into giggles as one sharing those special moments with your best friend....giggles...those infectious ones and...and I laughed with U unable to restrict myself further. We laughed together...The familiar tinkle in your laughter which I try to recognize and find it buried deep inside me.....I hadn't laughed so openly in years...Later I found that U had one of those happy times in school today when one of your subject teachers was absent and One of the Seniors had come to mind the class.....U had coolly scribbled your happiness of the moment in this chosen DIARY...which is updated by the Class teacher at the end of each day...!!! And as a matter of fact.... today was no exception the class teacher had entered her choicest vocabulary to describe your feat of the day plus an open invitation to us to UR classroom the next day!!! These childish feats would get over when u grow up up baby but...U need to know that the School Diary is a matter of Pride for Every Student...and it is the FACE of Every U should always respect it... and involuntarily get respected.....