
Monday, October 26, 2009

I Know Who You Are....

Dear Baby....
Remember the last time you got a nice piece of my mind along with a firm spanking till your bottom was sore....I still remember your impudence or call it insolence (your daddy categorises it to be presence of mind when you are the victim)....God save me from both of you...(SMILE :))) Someone very wisely commented on the passage of time...Time is like a swiftly flowing river with no boundaries. Seasons here were not winter,spring,fall or Autumn...but celebrations and birthdays, joys and sorrows, troubles and small remark or rebuke....But mainly its our children who are times' calender...a reminder of how quickly the years are passing quickly the remark "Mummy knows best"... changes to "I know what is the best"....You were being painfully difficult during bedtime as came up with the liveliest news of your school...mimicking your friends...the school guard...the daycare superintendent...and not to forget your Class teacher.....the usual target and armour....The day before you announced that your class teacher had asked to take a big box of chocolates nicely wrapped in wrapping paper for the lucky draw contest in your school( probably every child was instructed with a different gift)....but you took your own liberty to make everyone feel actually unwrapping it the moment you stepped into your classroom and distributed it to every living soul you came across...even the potted plants placed on the window sill of your classroom....And followed..... an elaborate reprimand from your class teacher in your school diary summoning a parent call again!!!! I was at my wits end....but decided to go easy on you...after all you just did the splendid act of generosity and sharing....but jumping up and down the bed really made me loose my cool and what your dad refers to a dreadfully threatening tone with my teeth clenched...and deadpan look on my face I say...."Aastha don't you think that you are getting too many ideas this time" (you slow down.. quickly scurrying of into bed). I continue...."You haven't known me yet!! I ahem....."
"Yep...I Know you...You are Ivy...IVY Banerjee" you retort back....and that did it..Daddy went into a fit of uncontrollable giggles while I distastefully took refuge behind the kitchen duster....What else???? don't ever change LADY...we all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take little of each other everywhere with remind me of my Childhood....Love you always...